Programming for success
If you don't know what this sequence is, you are probably not an IT expert (IT - Information Technology). Which is a shame, because if you did, you would have no problem finding a well-paid job, even if you were disabled. Unfortunately, disabled IT specialists are still few and far between.
- The disabled people can successfully develop and
maintain software, they can work as system and network
administrators – claims Prof. Krzysztof Diks, the dean of the
Institute of Informatics at the Warsaw University - Developing
software is about creativity and conceptual thinking, not about
fast typing. Computer science requires proper training and
intellectual effort. Besides, in this business you often work in
teams so if you can work in a group the disability is not a
The demand
According to a report by the website, in 2006 14% of
all job offers came from the IT companies. More than half of the
firms present at the Academic Job Fair in Łódź represented the IT
business. Whole world suffers from IT specialists shortage – a
company from the Netherlands has recently been trying to attract
Polish programmers by paying them 20 zloty for every minute of
their job interview.
Polish programmers are renowned for their skills and are very
sought-after. They regularly rank among the best in the most
prestigious tournaments. Quite recently three of Prof. Diks's
students have won the International Collegiate Programming Contest
World Finals in Tokyo. The achievements of Polish programmers
encourage IT giants such as IBM, Microsoft, Google or Motorola to
set up their programming centres in Poland. The fight for IT
specialists is on.
- There is a great demand for IT specialists - acknowledges Monika
Grim from an employment agency IT Kontrakt. - A programmer having
some training and experience is sure to find an employment. High
demand, greatly exceeding the supply, generates high earnings. The
average net salary in this business is several thousand zloty. The
boom is very likely to continue.
- In my opinion, both good programmers and database and network administrators will have no problems finding a job for the next 15 to 20 years – speculates Prof. Diks. However, he also adds that an IT specialist must constantly learn and hone his or her skills as the world of computers is changing very rapidly.
The offers
Some IT companies are turning to the disabled people.
- The shortage of well qualified staff is a growing problem –
states Przemysław Gacek, the chief of Grupa Pracuj, the owner of - Finding a suitable candidate can take months. That's
why the companies turn their attention to social groups which were
up to this point ignored – the disabled for example. The employers
are starting to appreciate their potential and are now more willing
to employ them, even if it means spending some extra money on
adapting the working environment to the needs of people with
There is an abundance of job offers for the disabled on the market
right now. For programmers, the disability is not a hindrance -
it's their competence that matters.
The response
- When we put up a disabled-targeted job offer, we received only
one application – says Monika Grim from IT Kontrakt.
- Sadly, the response is quite week – adds Justyna Ożóg from
Motorola Programming Centre – We had hoped to attract a bit more
interest. This year, we have gone to some lengths to meet the needs
of the disabled interns. We have modified the programme of
internship and have made our facilities more accessible to
- The response was disappointing – echoes Arkadiusz Borowy,
co-owner of BML, a company which put job offers for the disabled on
the Internet. - We received three applications. The first knew
about computers but had no idea about programming, the second
didn't suit us and the third withdrew his application.
The university
- Some years ago I learned that I was one of the few disabled
students on the faculty of informatics – states Piotr Mazur, a
fifth-year student of informatics working in a software
Let's look at the numbers. In Poland, in the academic year of
2005/2006, there was 14,5 thousand disabled students, compared to 2
million students in total. How many disabled persons study computer
science if only 4% of Polish students chooses this faculty?
Piotr claims that all it takes to study informatics is a natural
aptitude and determination.
- Some of my friends on the faculty had no prior knowledge of
informatics before they entered the university and are now doing
very well. I guess it's never too late to start.
- There's nothing magical about computers. Even if you were not
taught programming in primary school, it doesn't mean that your
career as a programmer is ruined – confirms Prof. Diks – That's
what the universities are for, to teach you informatics. What you
should learn however, is maths. It will prove very helpful in the
Specialists claim that it's the parents of the disabled children who should attract their interest to computer science. Even if the child has no aptitude for programming, he or she can always work as a web or computer graphic designer. Besides, computer science can successfully be taught via Internet. It's always worth to try because there's a good possibility that an investment in a computer with an Internet access will soon pay off.
Who's who in the IT business
IT specialists can be divided, with some simplification, into
following categories:
- Hardware specialist – assembles and maintains computer equipment
- Helpdesk – indispensable in every office. Software and hardware troubleshooting
- Administrator – operates and maintains the information system, can administer servers, operational systems, databases etc.
- Programmer – writing and developing software. Programmers can work alone or in teams, depending on the project's complexity. Extensive projects also require the participation of analysts, designers, software testers, operating system and database administrators and project managers.
How to become an IT specialist
It is advisable to choose a vocational school or a lyceum
specialising in informatics or mathematics. Secondary schools
search engines:
(general secondary schools)
(specialised secondary schools)
(vocational secondary schools)
As for the higher education, it's best to opt for a polytechnic,
an university or one of the numerous higher education facilities,
not necessarily in the computer science faculty. Many prospective
programmers study mathematics or physics. In Poland there's over
one hundred schools offering courses in computer science. Working
as an intern during your studies will increase your chances of
securing a good job.
Higher education search engines: (including
courses via internet)
Technical school is yet another option. A variety of courses is
offered to those who wish to master a specific computer program.
However, according to specialists, these can never replace regular
Technical schools and courses search engine:
You may also try to gain the required knowledge on your own, although the employers tend to favour specialists with a diploma.
Artykuł powstał w ramach projektu "Integracja
- Praca. Wydawnicza kampania informacyjno-promocyjna"
współfinansowanego z Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach
Sektorowego Programu Operacyjnego Rozwój Zasobów Ludzkich.
02.02.2024, 07:36 -
07.03.2023, 18:34 -
02.11.2022, 14:03 -
19.10.2022, 12:54
Co nowego
- Mozaika tożsamości: kobiecość i niepełnosprawność
- Ustawa o asystencji osobistej. Jest zielone światło z Komitetu Ekonomicznego Rady Ministrów
- Unieważnieni
- Piękno na Kołach – gdy moda spotyka się z duszą
- Ustawa o asystencji osobistej. Proces legislacyjny ma zakończyć się jeszcze przed wyborami prezydenckimi
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