What is being done for the disabled?
A telephone conversation performed on January 23rd, 2007.
- Good morning. I’m a journalist of the “Praca” magazine,
appendix to the “Integracja” magazine. I would like to know if you
employ any disabled persons?
- Our company is managed according to the principle of Corporate
Social Responsibility. Five disabled persons work here.
- And how many employees are there in your company?
- More than 100 persons.
- Do you know that in case of such a big staff, employment of 6%
disabled persons is a law requirement and not your goodwill?
- Well... yes.
- And Corporate Social Responsability is an action beyond the law
- That’s right.
- So where is that CSR?
The abbreviation CSR of an English expression Corporate Social
Responsibility is more and more often used by the Polish
businessmen. Even more gladly it is used by the public relations
experts whose aim is to create the favorable company image – which
is the one that makes clients to be interested in its products or
services. Since CSR means higher, more modern culture of
management. CSR is a voluntary involvement of a company to every
action geared towards profit and to relations with clients and
contracting parties, also to the tasks geared towards the social
development and environment protection.
The concept of CSR was born in the 1970s, when many
international corporations were accused of numerous abuses –
including contribution in the environment degradation and using
children at an assembly line. That is when the richest countries of
the world associated in the OECD (Organization for Economic
Co-operation and Development) created special code of ethics for
the business conduction. Furthermore in 1999 under the auspices of
the UN a new group called “Global Compact" came into being which
appealed to the business representatives to improve the situation
of the poorest, obey the human and employee rights, protect the
environment and counteract of corruption.
Business empathy
Elaborating on the definition of CSR, a company “social
responsible” is the one that among other things involves in
different social campaigns, is guided in its actions by the
internal code of ethics, creates reports on social phenomena,
voluntarily introduces quality, safety, environmental protection
systems and in many ways supports the local communities in which it
functions. To make it simpler, a responsible businessman shows on
the labels of the products an information that already at the stage
of testing they were created with the full respect of animal rights
or asks the employees to reuse the paper printed on one side.
In 2006 the Public Opinion Research Center (CBOS) performed for the
Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) a survey on
the understanding of the concept of social responsibility by the
Polish businessmen. For more than 500 enterprises that took part in
the survey, as many as 60% of the big and 40% of the small ones
considered social needs and economical issues worth taking into
account during the business activity.
The list of CSR native practices is already quite vast. Polish
business organizes specialist conferences, courses, lectures,
pro-health actions (e.g. Servier, Novartis), makes technologies
available without charge (e.g. BP concern places sun batteries on
schools) and even hands over its products (e.g. IKEA). Many
companies consult, advise, train, eliminate mental and architecture
barriers by charity (e.g. Statoil on petrol stations). Philip
Morris Polska PLC (tobacco concern) to every donation made by its
employee adds the same amount of money, ERA promotes among its
clients returning old, used up mobile telephones for recycling,
Microsoft popularizes information technologies among children,
teenagers, teachers and social groups at risk from so called
“digital divide” – e.g. long-term unemployed persons. Soon thanks
to “Responsible Business in Poland 2006. Good examples” report
prepared by the Responsible Business Forum we would be able to
become convinced how many companies have joined the circle of
“social responsible”.
Who has to and who wants to employ the disabled
Nobody denies that offering job to the disabled is a noble and
worth imitating idea. But can every businessman in Poland in all
conscience to other employees, business partners and clients place
in his promotion brochures such sentence: “My company is social
responsible, because we employ the disabled persons”?
The key to full understanding the essence of CSR is the word “voluntary”. The certain company on its free will subsidizes the activity of hospitals, organizes school trips, brings to the country the world-known artists’ paintings. There’s no public institution or non-government organization to make the company to do it. In no way the Polish law forces it as well.
Meanwhile according to the “Act on professional and social
rehabilitation and the disabled persons employment”, every
enterprise in Poland employing more than 25 persons has a duty (!)
to employ 6% of the disabled persons. In case it doesn’t take
place, for every position unfilled, the enterprise has to pay a
fine for the National Fund for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled
(PFRON). Therefore a social responsible company could be the one
that doesn’t have to but employs the disabled persons or offers
them more jobs than is required by law. Could be if not... the
A job for a disabled with considerable...
This kind of job offers are placed in the newspapers not only by
the sheltered workshops. The reason for which it is done by the
open market employers as well, is very simple. A disabled employee
is for some of them just a “good business”. A person that draws a
pension and wants to keep it – which is most of the cases – will
not ask for a better wage. An employment of a disabled person means
subsidizing by the state his wage, national insurance, post
equipment and training courses. And the best money the company gets
when the employee would show his certificate of moderate or
considerable disability.
Hearing such arguments many employers would be indignant about the poor support, complicated procedures, disabled employee working only 7 hours a day and when using all his concessions, e.g. additional holidays, making more problems than benefits.
Well, Ladies and Gentlemen... Why in such case you employ the
disabled persons using the state subsidies? If you look for a
professional without paying attention to the fact if he lives in a
wheelchair and not “a man with a certificate” and employ him
without any profits from subsidies, then you could say: we are a
social responsible company. That’s what CSR is – actions that do
not enrich the company bank account, but add some warm colours to
its image.
Rebels in a good cause
I am a rebel though I understand that before to the minds of Polish
businessmen who sometimes hardly remain in their business line gets
a simple truth that “the disabled are able to work”, still a better
argument would be the financial one than the social or ethical. I
am a rebel, but I have even more respect for those doing something
else for the disabled than just employing them.
I still hope that by my and others rebellion the “disabled” would be “rightful” [a play of words in the original version] employees of the companies and citizens of this country. I believe that when in some time I would conduct a similar talk to the one at the beginning of this article and ask a businessman, why he employs the physically or mentally disabled persons, he would reply with an astonishment: “Surely not for the money. Haven’t you heard of the Corporate Social Responsibility? And it won’t be a British, but Polish businessman.
HENRYKA BOCHNIARZ, the President of the Polish
Confederation of Private Employers Lewiatan
Corporate Social Responsibility is an active involvement of the
companies to the life of the society inside which they function.
The members of such societies are also the disabled persons.
Creating job positions for them means equalizing their chances on
the job market but also influencing the whole society – e.g.
reduction of the jobless amount. So far low level of the
professionally active disabled was explained by the lack of
knowledge among the Polish businessmen about the possibilities of
such persons employment. Good practices in this area were limited
to the elimination of the architectural barriers. The concept of
CSR may be a perfect carrier for propagating the ideas of the
disabled persons employment, but also other activities for the
professional mobilization of this social group. PCPE Lewiatan is
absorbed in the projects promoting the employment of the disabled
on the open market – in many our companies the disabled persons
already work. We observe the effects of such campaigns. The
employers have better and better consciousness of the profits that
may be brought to the their company by a disabled employee – and
it’s not the state subsidy.
Artykuł powstał w ramach projektu "Integracja
- Praca. Wydawnicza kampania informacyjno-promocyjna"
współfinansowanego z Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach
Sektorowego Programu Operacyjnego Rozwój Zasobów Ludzkich.
Co nowego
- Mozaika tożsamości: kobiecość i niepełnosprawność
- Ustawa o asystencji osobistej. Jest zielone światło z Komitetu Ekonomicznego Rady Ministrów
- Unieważnieni
- Piękno na Kołach – gdy moda spotyka się z duszą
- Ustawa o asystencji osobistej. Proces legislacyjny ma zakończyć się jeszcze przed wyborami prezydenckimi